About the Practitioner

Laura M. Maloney, LMT

Massage Therapy - Oakland Community College, Commerce MI.

Graphic Design - Kendall College of Art and Design, Grand Rapids, MI.

I believe everyone deserves the opportunity to receive therapeutic massage therapy, regularly. It is important to be good to ourselves. This world is pretty demanding, however, it's not necessary or desirable to neglect your body's need for rest and repair, in order to be a productive, responsible or successful man or woman. Our body speaks to us. Sometimes we hear it, and sometimes, we ignore it. If we choose to ignore, we often times risk eventual harm to ourselves. And with that neglect, we suffer more, experiencing pain, injury, anxiety, depression, loss of sleep, loss of range of motion. Massage is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity for better health. Please be good to yourself. 

We all pave our paths in life, and my path of massage therapy, was created not that long ago. I had spent many years in a creative world as a graphic designer. And although I enjoyed creating and meeting the needs of my design clients, I felt the need to change my course. Through the support of friends and family, I realized I have more use for my hands, than just sitting at a computer all day long and meeting stressful deadlines. My decision to go back to school for Massage Therapy was frightening at 45 years old! But today, I am so grateful for that journey and gained knowledge. I am amazed by the human body and it's desire to heal itself. It protects us 24/7, without us even thinking about it! Even when we are not good to it. There's still so much to learn about the body and massage therapy. I have found great satisfaction listening to my clients bodies, while using my hands to speak to their bodies, encouraging relaxation. 

For me, I relish in rest and relaxation. I don't care much for a lot of stress in my days. I'm an artist, foodie, animal lover, fan of most music, and an idealistic dreamer. My dream is this world will heal, and we all will be equal and get massages regularly.

Please be good to yourself, and be good to others.